Thursday, March 5, 2009

stamp #2
- denomination: 5 cents
- country of origin: USA
- reference- just an abstract design
- date of subject:---
- date of design:----
- signifigance/other: To me it just seemed like a simple abstract design with great color.
-shape: this stamp is horizontal
-color: in this design there are red,black,blue and white.
-type of central image: a really abstract design with text saying to the fine arts.
- line detailing:It has black borders
- typographical layout: the only type on the design is " to the fine arts" which is split by two colors "to the" in blue and "fine arts" in red with a white background, which matches the abstract design to its immediate left.
-Hierarchical: The focal point would be the abstract design and then the text mentioned above.
-proximity: the informational elements are to the right of the abstract image.
-Balance: is asymmetrical

stamp #3 (see above)
- Denomination: 80....Deutsche marks? ughh whhh
-country of origin: Germany
-reference to subject: It has the name Kurt Schwitters on the stamp ,Kurt Hermann Eduard Karl Julius Schwitters (20 June 1887 - 8 January 1948) was a German painter who was born in Hanover, Germany.

Schwitters worked in several genres and media, including Dada, Constructivism, Surrealism, poetry, sound, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography and what came to be known as installation art. He is most famous for his collages, called Merz Pictures.
-Date of subject/theme: 1887-1948
-Date of design: the year 1967
- signifigance: It is a stamp commemorating an artist who started a unique form of art.
-shape: vertical
-four color: black,sepia, tan, gray, white.
- type of central image: The different strips of color make up a majority of the image and shape along with a older picture placed in the design aswell.
-line detailing: the borders of this stamp are white.
-type: the type in this design is placed around the borders allowing more room for the abstract image in the center.... on the left running vertically is the artists name KURT SCHWITTER and then his birth and death date, there is something in smaller font in the bottom left corner that I can't quite make out.
- Higherarchical arrangement: the focal point is his name in large bold font running vertically up the left side of the stamp leading to his bday and dday, that flows down to the picture of a head. The head belongs to the clump of different colors and shapes that bring your eye down to the bottom of the stamp and then to the right.
-position: The informational elements in this design are asymmetrical.
- compositional devices: The head image is placed around the upper third intersection, and all of the other colored shapes are clumped together to creat unity.
-type of balance: the entire design is asymetrical.

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